Presale Information

ShaftDesigner Modules

ShaftDesigner is a proprietary CAE software for high-quality marine propulsion shafting alignment and vibration analysis at the design, production, maintenance and repair stages. ShaftDesigner is used by propulsion engineering, consulting and service companies, shipyards, Classification Societies worldwide

Detailed information on the ShaftDesigner modules.

License model

ShaftDesigner licenses are perpetual and allow the holders to use the software continually with payment of a single fee.

Regular ShaftDesigner license includes the modules purchased by the customer (one copy of each  module).

Multi-module ShaftDesigner license may include any number of each ShaftDesigner module.

Regular license may be stand-alone or network (floating). Floating license is under control of License Server which manages each module between workstations in a concurrent way. Multi-module license may be only of the floating type.

ShaftDesigner is supplied with the USB dongle for protection purpose.

The licenses may be installed at any number of workstations. However, the regular stand-alone license may be activated only at the workstation where the dongle is plugged in.

For activation of the floating license, the dongle should be plugged in any workstation in the network including the network server provided the License Server software is installed at this computer.

Internet license
Internet license may be regular floating or multi-module. For activation of internet license a user should have access to internet for internet connection to the IMT–server where the dongle is plugged in physically. Internet license may be rented for agreed time.


Regular stand-alone license


Regular floating license


Multi-module license



Internet license

Support policy

One-year license support is covered by the license fee.

After making a purchase your company may apply for technical support, consulting and training services. This is provided in the scope of a selected option.

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